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Welcome! I invite you to journey through my digital art. What does each piece of art bring to mind? 


My Vision

Through my digital artwork, I showcase varying aspects of life, mankind, emotion, and nature. I build  in a creative, innovative fashion using a mixture of imaginative scenes, unique patterns, and textures. I am inspired to create digital art that provokes questions. 




Time at home has allowed me to pursue the root of my passion – being creative in an artistic sense working mostly with my hands. Since retiring, I have engaged in varied projects like knitting, drawing freehand or sewing on the machine. Ultimately, I started creating collages to fit a particular theme. For this, I would collect old magazines and cut out desired materials and images.  I used creativity and glue to create my subject. As time went on, I started having problems with both knees and hands. But I was not ready to give up my passion! One day I decided to take a stab at digital collage artwork. Thank God! This has become my catharsis. When I am working on a project, I often get lost in the images and the creation is something new and fresh. I recall one project that took included over 32 separated images and the result was a ‘one-of-a-kind’ masterpiece. Now my digital collage artwork speaks for me. So, contact me and let’s discuss that ‘one-of-a-kind’ art piece that you desire.

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